Red Clark

All posts tagged Red Clark

Review: Gray Matter

Published December 14, 2018 by biggayhorrorfan


What signifies a great horror project is its emotional relatability. Therefore, anyone who has been mystified by the behavior of their parents as a child is sure to find true connectivity to Red Clark’s Gray Matter.

Here a small town boy seeks asylum from his home life by approaching a motley group of pub regulars. His alcoholic father (finely played by indie wonder kind Larry Fessenden) has begun acting strangely and the kid has begun to fear for his life. His rescuers get more than they bargained for, though, as their worlds soon dissolve into gooey mayhem.

Based on a Stephen King story, this short film is filled with impressive natural effects. But what is most significant is the atmosphere that Clark creates. He and his believable cast, including Chicago theater actor Aaron Christensen, honestly capture the rhythms of rural life and its grizzled inhabitants. Everyone who grew up, awestruck, in such circumstances will find a piece of their past magnified, wisely, onscreen for them here.

Until the next time, SWEET love and pink GRUE, Big Gay Horror Fan!

Overview: Terror in the Aisles presents Short Cuts

Published July 22, 2014 by biggayhorrorfan

terror marquee
Money was raised (for AIDS charity Vital Bridges), chills were induced and laughter resounded throughout the theatre during Terror in the Aisles’ latest movie event Short Cuts. Taking place at the historic Davis Theatre in Chicago, Short Cuts featured the mini-masterpieces of over a dozen Midwestern filmmakers. Introducing the audience to works of humor, homage and serious horror, this one-of-a-kind event, ultimately, offered up a program that I was truly honored to serve as host of.

Introducing the directors!

Introducing the directors!

With many of the artists on hand to celebrate, each abbreviated feature contained true points of interest. Industrious Tony Wash (Its My Party and I’ll Die If I Want To) even utilized the event to promote his anticipated upcoming compiliation World of Death, featuring many of the selections submitted to last fall’s ABC’s of Death competition. John Pata, coming off the high of his critically acclaimed feature Dead Weight, also, choose Short Cuts as the Chicago premiere site of his latest (poetically macabre) effort Pity.
Clark & Pata chatting

Clark & Pata chatting

Personal favorites included Red Clark’s fun The Pool. Detailing the comeuppance of a bratty sibling, this charming throwback ends with some nifty camera work and a startling monster reveal. Lowcarbcomedy’s hysterical 4th Rule of Gremlins, meanwhile, offers up a very naughty take on what not to do with everybody’s favorite furry monsters. David Schmidt’s mock trailer for House on Nightmare Lane, also, hit the mark. Here, Schmidt combines the atmosphere of such classic flicks as The Haunting with the acting style of such drive-in favorites as Frankenstein’s Daughter. Overall, it’s like opening the (rusting) gates to a real winner!

Keep up with World of Death at and Pity at . Lowcarbcomedy rules the roost at and Vital Bridges is always keeping up the good work at

Meanwhile, you can keep updated with Terror in the Aisles at and me at

Until the next time, SWEET love and pink GRUE, Big Gay Horror Fan!

Red Clark’s Gray Matter!

Published October 15, 2013 by biggayhorrorfan

gray matter

Oh, if I only had a brain! I’ve sung that to myself so many times that I’ve felt like a small town queer stuck caught in a community theater production of The Wizard of Oz, Sisyphus-style!

But who needs brains when they can experience the terror of Gray Matter?!? This stunning short film is an adaptation of a Stephen King story – and inventive filmmaker Red Clark tells me he only used practical effects (based on some amazing concept designs by Tom A. Denney)! Viva, au natural, baby!!

Check out the gooey, first look trailer, here!:

Until the next time – SWEET love and pink GRUE, Big Gay Horror Fan!