Straight Edge Kegger

All posts tagged Straight Edge Kegger

Review: Looky-loo

Published May 3, 2024 by biggayhorrorfan

I know not to make contact with the delirious, searching eyes of the unfortunates on my early morning train rides. Disaster assuredly lies there. It’s probably why I can’t stand watching true crime broadcasts. Something bad really can happen to me at any moment in time and I, for one, don’t want to dwell on my imminent demise unless I truly have to. 

In an artful way, Jason Zink’s Looky-loo takes us into the heart of this fear. A feature length travelogue of a serial killer’s journey throughout the neighborhoods of a city, done entirely through their point of view, this experimental exercise reminds viewers of how vulnerable they really are. What is especially interesting here is how Zink allows the everyday objects this stalker comes into contact with – a welcome mat, bathroom products, kitchen utensils – to really come to life here. The heightened colorization and savage utilization of these ordinary items really illustrates a true invasion of personal space, resulting in visual takes that remain in the consciousness long after the film ends.

Zink should also be commended for always taking risks with his art. While 2014’s Night Terrors celebrated more traditional horror. his 2019 feature Straight Edge Kegger was a gritty, punk infused exploitation flick. Looky-loo, which might be more at home in a museum of contemporary art than a movie theater, continues that determined evolution with varied, almost Warhol-ian results. 

Learn more about Zink and his work at

Review: Straight Edge Kegger

Published August 20, 2019 by biggayhorrorfan


Too much of a good thing can be deadly. Just ask me after I’ve eaten too many of those chocolate frosted cake donuts from the corner 7-11. Meanwhile, writer-director Jason Zink explores how honorable intentions can turn eviseratingly militant in his survivalist horror effort Straight Edge Kegger.

Here, our hero Brad (Cory Kays) has started to grow tired of the violent antics of James (Julio Alexander), his straight edge brother in arms. While once James had protected the streets and defended the innocent, he now uses his leadership to violently squash anyone behaving in a way that he doesn’t like. Thus, Brad falls under the influence of a happy go lucky party hound named Sean (Sean Jones). When James discovers that Brad is attending a house rave with his newfound companion, he and his crew set out to punish their former associate with maniacal precision. Locking down the home, they soon are brutally killing off the formerly blissful drunk and drugged revelers. It is up to Brad, who understands James’ mindset, Sean and Maybe (Evey Reidy), a girl that Brad has developed a crush on, to find a way to defeat the unrepentant slaughterers before they join the other unfortunate victims of James’ murderous rage. SEK Main

Nicely, akin to Chris Moore and his 2018 savagely fun effort Triggered, Zink skillfully exposes how being too extremist in one’s views is never a good thing, no matter the intentions. Ultimately, James, magnetically played by Alexander, and his throng remind one of our current political leaders whom have established a social landscape where aggressive behavior is encouraged against anyone falling outside of the straight, white norm.SEK 1.jpg

As with many genre exercises, one does have to let go of disbelief a bit as James and his crew make their way steadily through both punk rock celebrants and law enforcement officials with ease. But the gore is swift and vicious and executed with a sense of glee. The performances, particularly those of Kays and Alexander, are also solid, making this low budget offering both a thrilling exploitation ride and a potentially powerful think piece, as well.

More information on Straight Edge Kegger is available at

Until the next time, SWEET love and pink GRUE, Big Gay Horror Fan!